There Is No One Like You 無人能像祢
There Is No One Like You 無人能像祢 詞曲:Andy Harrison, Joth Hunt , Sam Evans Planetshakers When I'm at my weakest//當我最軟弱時 Your grace is at it's strongest//祢的恩典最剛強 Your light is at it's brightest//祢的真光最閃亮 Filling me with hope//以盼望充滿我 Your love is overwhelming//祢的愛勢不可擋 Your Spirit is compelling//祢的靈所向披靡 So Jesus I surrender every part of me//耶穌 我全人降服於祢 I breathe You in and I have life again//吸入祢的氣息 我再次活過來 Your praises fill my lungs I sing again//我滿懷讚美 再次高唱 So let everything that's in me//我全人全心 Sing Your praise and give You glory//歌頌祢的榮耀 Jesus You are strong and mighty//耶穌 祢有大能大力 And there is no one like You//無人能像祢 Yeah there is no one like You//無人能像祢 Yeah there is no one like You//無人能像祢 Even in the darkness//即使在黑暗中 When I'm at my lowest//當我在低谷裡 I know You are with me//我知祢與我同在 Showing me the way//指引我方向 I breathe You in and I have life again//吸入祢的氣息 我再次活過來 Your praises fill my lungs I sing again//我滿懷讚美 再次高唱 Yeah there is no one like You//無人能像祢 Unfailing love this I know//我深知祢不止息的愛 For all my days I'll be whole//我一生得以完全 The goodness of Your overflow//祢良善恩惠湧流 There is no one like You//無人能像祢 You're the one surrounding me//祢環繞我 You provide my every need//祢供應我一切所需 I trust in You and I believe//我信靠祢 我深信 There is no one like You//無人能像祢